The newest Estilo Premier looks great, as you can see, but it's the little design improvements that make this one of our favorite releases of 2013.
Logos that were previously sewn on are now embroidered into the fabric. Normally you'll see one or two small embroideries on BJJ Gis, because the process is more costly during production (due to the quality and precision involved in embroidering directly into fabric). Impressive, because Tatami used this process for patches on the shoulder, lapel, hip/leg, and shin.
The 4.0 has taping along the important seams like the sleeve and pants cuffs, similar to the Estilo 3.0 only with updated graphics/colors. There are also some new applications such as taping on the inside of the jacket yoke seam, something you don't see often. Additionally, the jacket skirt taping is now on the outside which adds a nice finishing touch to the grey/orange color scheme.