Ballistic Thai Bag (100lbs)
This item is not currently available for purchase.
  • Enhanced synthetic leather exterior
  • 100 lbs bag weight
  • Shredded textile interior
  • Chain assembly included (Swivel not included)
  • Full body length

This Muay Thai styled bag has an extended striking surface, perfect for training all manner of kicks and strikes. The synthetic leather covering is Throwdown''s highest quality material and features enhanced durability.

100 lbs bags are perfect for experienced strikers or individuals in the 6 foot & 200 lbs body range. The shredded textile filling is both consistent and cost effective, allowing this bag to be cheaper than equal competitors.

This item cannot be shipped outside the United States
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Shipping cost

Why is it cheaper to order these larger items through Your other site, Karate Depot, than it is here at Zengu? It would cost me $200.60 w/ shipping cost on Zengu, but on Karate Depot only $199.95 I would be unable to sell this to a student with out losing money.  
by: Bill Eisele   
5/7/2012 11:07:30 PM
Hi Bill. Yes shipping is perhaps our last big hurdle here on Zengu. With the prices cut as far as we can we haven't found cap space to offer free/reduced shipping while still being sustainable. As such, most of our items are cheaper here on Zengu, but some of the big items do suffer from shipping fee trauma. We're working on it!
by: okiken108     
5/9/2012 11:19:45 AM
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