Seven Fightgear "Give 'N Take" Hybrid Punch Mitts
This item is not currently available for purchase.
  • Curved striking surface
  • Soft and authentic glove construction
  • Reliable interior grip
  • Adjustable hook-and-loop wrist strap

Bring your pad sparring to another level with these innovative mitts from Seven Fightgear. Using a glove/mitt combo, you can integrate bobbing, weaving, and parrying into your pad work, making your punch combinations more realistic. An adjustable wrist strap gives the pad-holder a realistic glove feel when throwing return punches, with the interior grip giving them control of the pad's angles as well as the accuracy and intensity of punches.

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Bulk price

If 10 or more are purchased is it possible to lower the overall cost?  
by: Rob   
6/2/2013 1:57:14 PM
Hi Rob. Zengu already uses bulk wholesale pricing so it is not possible to reduce that any further.
by: okiken108     
6/3/2013 8:16:13 AM
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Is this 1 or a set of 2 mitts?

I would like to know if this is 1 mitt
Or 2 mitts as a set for the price of $38?  
by: Rabbie   
6/8/2016 11:02:10 AM
Hi Rabbie. You get 2 mitts for the price of $38.
by: okiken108     
6/10/2016 7:01:24 PM
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Seven Fight Gear mitts

Do these mitts come as a single mitt or a pair?  
12/15/2012 8:59:11 PM
You will get a pair of these with your purchase.
by: okiken108     
12/17/2012 1:00:27 PM
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