Children's Breaking Board
1 review
This item is not currently available for purchase.
  • Made from fir
  • Great for children and beginner martial artists
  • Enables students to quickly perfect their technique

These breaking boards are made from soft fir wood and are perfect for children and beginner martial artists.The easy-snapping Fir wood enables martial artists to perfect their technique and move on quickly to more difficult boards.These boards are sold in packs of three.

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compare with pawlonia boards from Tiger Claw/Century?

In terms of hardness and consistency, how do these compare with the boards sold by Tiger Claw and Century (8 mm, 12 mm, 18 mm.)
by: Paul Tippey   
1/28/2017 10:27:19 PM

What kind of price can I get if I purchase many at a time?
4/30/2012 1:09:23 AM
All prices on Zengu are discounted as close to manufacturer price as possible, even if you just order one.
by: okiken108     
4/30/2012 11:09:17 AM
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These are so easy for the kids to break. I use them for beginners to build confidence.   
by: Daniel Beasley   
2/8/2012 10:07:44 PM
good for demos
by: Lee Harden   
4/14/2014 8:01:38 PM
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