Full Contact Sparring Bokken
This item is not currently available for purchase.
  • 40" overall length
  • The safest way to practice with swords
  • Made from 2" of thick, impact absorbing foam
  • Blade covered in canvas wrap to add durability

The new full contact sparring bokken from KD Elite is the safest way to practice your full contact sparring.The handle is wrapped in foam to provide a solid grip and prevent slipping.The blade is made from 2" of thick, rolled impact absorbing foam and has also been outfitted with a canvas covering to add durability.A foam handguard is also included. The overall length of the full contact sparring bokken is 40", which isregular wooden bokkens.Another great feature of these swords is that they will keep their shape.Designed for light and medium contact only.

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How do these compare to actionflex weapons? I need something that 6-13 year olds can use without causing serious harm to each other.  
by: Dustin Huber   
8/24/2012 11:10:32 PM
They compare quite closely. I think you could use this item for whatever purposes you'd use the actionflex with.
by: okiken108     
8/27/2012 10:48:55 AM
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The sparring bokken does not specify a color in the description. Are they all RED like the one in the photo or can you get different colors?  
by: Robert Shin   
12/22/2011 8:03:41 PM
At one point we had yellow as well, but right now we just have the red available.
by: okiken108     
12/23/2011 9:54:33 PM
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Will you ever have black ones of these? The red are not that cool.
by: Sensei Ryan Cary   
6/3/2014 6:46:34 PM
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