Jigsaw Mats
1 review
This item is not currently available for purchase.

    Constructed of high density EVA foam, Puzzle Mats are extremely durable and designed to last for years. They provide sure-footed support for stepping and kicking drills, yet absorb shock for jumping and falling drills. The non-slip surface will increase the safety for your students.

    Sold in one meter squares; 1" thick. Reversible. Each side is one color. Keep the whole floor the same color or create a pattern.

    Use this formula to figure out how many mats you will need:

      Total Square Feet divided by 11.09 = # of mats needed
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    I recently ordered 49 of these to set out a 7x7 meter mat away for my renovations. I was initially concerned that there were no border pieces in the photos and when I inquired of customer service they couldn't say for sure. Going on faith I ordered anyway and am happy I did. The mats were delivered quickly and in great condition. To alleviate my concerns EACH mat square comes fully bordered so you end up with more border than is required, but this leaves plenty of room to screw up when you trim the border pieces for their placement on the edges. The remaining scraps I found will make good training toys. Kudos again to Zengu for offering such a great product. My school now looks amazing and the space is awesome to train on.  
    by: Kokoro Universal Martial Arts   
    7/23/2012 7:10:49 PM
    Mat Assembled

    Mat Assembled
    The 7x7 mat space assembled in my dojo during renovations.  
    by: Kokoro Universal Martial Arts   
    7/23/2012 7:12:26 PM
    How to fill the space out?

    How do I fill the space out from wall to wall? Would I have to cut some of the foam pieces?  
    by: Nick   
    8/28/2014 8:31:16 PM
    Hi Nick. Yes, you would have to cut a row down to specific size to lay it flush.
    by: okiken108     
    8/29/2014 12:00:56 PM
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    how much

    About how much would 7X7 for 30   
    by: Donald Rooks   
    2/18/2014 10:43:47 PM
    Sorry Donald - could you explain a little more about what your asking?
    by: okiken108     
    2/19/2014 9:29:14 AM
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    how many

    is that 21.99 per piece?  
    by: Donald Rooks   
    2/18/2014 10:37:05 PM
    Yes that price is per piece.
    by: okiken108     
    2/19/2014 9:28:31 AM
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    Is there a way to get a sample.   
    by: Jason   
    9/9/2013 12:01:06 AM
    We do not have samples at this time, sorry Jason.
    by: okiken108     
    9/9/2013 12:50:22 PM
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    Does this mat come in grappling size of 1 5/8 or 2 inches??

    does this mat come in 1 5/8 or 2inches? if so can i get a quote and sample sent out to me asap...thanks in advance..  
    by: Luis Rubalcava   
    6/12/2013 1:03:24 AM
    Hi Luis, we only have 1 inch available at this time. No quotes are necessary as we utilize wholesale pricing on the site. If you have an account here and can see the prices, you are getting as low a rate as possible.

    We do not have any samples at this time.
    by: okiken108     
    6/12/2013 5:03:08 PM
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    Unless you're trying to align it with some sort of 2"border frame, 1" eva foam is perfect
    by: Nick   
    3/9/2015 12:13:34 PM
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    Hi Zengu,:)

    I have 80 square meters of gray and black and Malta should be delivered.
    How much it would cost and how many packs? Thank you in advance for your answer.

    by: kyokushinmalta   
    2/24/2013 12:56:37 PM
    Hi Malta. By my calculations you would need 24 mats. Each mat is sold separately above. As for cost, you can add the appropriate number of mats to your cart and go through the preliminary checkout process. It will tell shipping options and then total predicted cost before you actually pay.
    by: okiken108     
    2/25/2013 12:29:23 PM
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    Shipping question?

    Is the shipping price correct on these mats? I noticed that if I go to the Karate Depot site and pay retail that the shipping is free and the total cost is alot less then if I order using my wholesale account.  
    by: David Bridges   
    2/21/2013 4:34:15 AM
    Normally that isn't the case David, but since these are bulky items (especially in quantity) it might actually save you money to go with the free shipping on KD.
    by: okiken108     
    2/22/2013 12:26:27 PM
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    convert to inches/feet

    What are the dimensions of each mat in inches or feet please?  
    9/19/2012 11:07:33 PM
    These are sold in meter squares, which means they are 3.2 feet x 3.2 feet.
    by: okiken108     
    9/21/2012 2:41:47 PM
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