Colored Belt with Black Stripe
3 reviews
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  • Comes in a wide array of colors, from white to black
  • 1 3/4" inches wide
  • Features 1/2" black stripe down the length of the belt
  • 7 lines of stitching with sewn ends
  • Belt size should mirror uniform size

One thing every school owner has to have in strong supply is rank belts. Nothing ruins a promotion ceremony faster than not having the right belt on hand.

These quality striped student belts come in a wide variety of colors and can be used in karate, tae kwon do, as well as other martial arts. Each belt is 1 3/4" wide with seven lines of stitching (included sewn ends). Each belt provides appropriate thickness in order to balance durability with easy tying.

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Our style, for junior ranks, starts with a solid color with a white stripe through the center, then all solid, then solid color with black strip through the center. Zengu carries the latter two, and chance for the first? Otherwise I keep buying them from AWMA but would rather buy here....  
by: Chad Sheets   
11/3/2011 10:50:32 PM
Hmm, we do not have that at the moment! Great suggestion though - we'll be looking to see if we can get access to that style.

Thanks for checking with us first, we really appreciate it and we'll try to continue building out what we offer.
by: okiken108     
11/4/2011 10:14:48 AM
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I second the vote for solid colors with a white stripe. I use all three configurations with my students, but currently I have to purchase the white-striped belts thru another supplier. You definitely have a customer base willing to purchase the white-striped solids if you add them.
1/31/2012 6:06:26 PM
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I would purchase them as well.
by: Askia Allison   
4/12/2015 11:33:35 PM
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Me too!
4/30/2015 7:06:46 PM
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Great Value

These are the belts that we use for our junior ranks. You cannot find a better price for belts of this quality anywhere on the web. Plus, shipping and delivery are always reasonable and prompt.  
3/21/2016 10:49:38 AM

Nice belts for the price. UNBELIEVABLE how fast was the delivery time. Purchased yesterday, received today. Great company!   
by: Paulo Rigon   
12/6/2013 4:58:14 PM

I tried the belt in a size 6 looks good, wears good and ties good.
I am happy with this inexpensive belt. I normally pay more but will buy from Zengu from now on.
So far everything thing I have purchased has been good quality.  
by: CW Tarlton   
3/9/2012 1:00:47 PM
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